Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Watermelon Gin Fizz Recipe by New England Fine Living

My daughter is constantly juicing or making dried fruit, so when we were discussing a fun and super thirst quenching cocktail, we came up with our own version of a watermelon gin fizz since she just made a bet with a co-worker that she could dry watermelon (I will let you know how that turns out).

So I wanted to share the recipe with you before the holiday weekend in case you too had left over watermelon!  Below is the recipe and the steps we took to create this ultra refreshing watermelon cocktail. 

A visit to the Hotel Viking in historic Newport, RI

I know this is quite a bit out of sequence, but during these hot summer days of summer, isn't it a bit refreshing to see a bit of snow? :-)  As I mentioned earlier, I am playing a bit of catch up on my posts that were unfortunately put on the back burner due to circumstances beyond my control.  But I always say... "better late than never!" 

On a chilly February evening, I jumped in my car and drove south towards Rhode Island so that New England Fine Living followers could enjoy a stay at the Hotel Viking for the weekend with me, while exploring Newport and some of the grand Newport mansions that were still open during the winter season.  

As luck would have it, my friend and photographer for our magazine, Emily O'Brien , was already in town visiting her family, so she got to take a few additional pictures of my visit.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Beacon Hill residents really know how to make a great first impression

It never seems to fail.  When I think I am going to have plenty of time to share tons and tons of photos with you, along with a lot of text, the sky opens up and I get inundated with work, but that's a good thing! So if I may, here is a small selection of photos that I would like to share with you.  They are unedited (some of the edited versions can be seen on my instagram page - newenglandfineliving), but I thought you would still enjoy seeing some of the streets and homes I was able to enjoy during a quick walk between appointments. 

When it comes to first impressions, in regards to your home, the front door can set the stage when greeting guests.  It also gives company a little insight to the homeowners personality.  With door after door, on Beacon Hill, I was able to see that there certainly are a lot of different personalities and design styles in the neighborhood. 

I love that the lanterns on Beacon Hill are on and glowing even during the day. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

A walk in the flowers makes for a magical experience

I'm just taking a quick moment to share a photo my husband snapped of me while I was taking photo myself.  Our second home is a small lake cabin located in Rangeley, Maine, and at this time of year (June) the fields of lupine are abundant to say the least.  Some of the largest fields you will find are on the approach to Mingo Springs Golf Course. On this day, the warmth of the sun, signing birds, and the soft sweet scent of lupine made this little experience quite magical.  This is one of my many examples of a simple luxury.  

Note:  If you too want to walk in the lupines, make sure to saturate yourself with bug repellent. This was not my first rodeo and I learned the hard way. :-)