This ring is sooooo freaking beautiful. So beautiful that I'm inspired to see if I can find rooms, party, and fashion photos using these colors. Just like in the Kohler commercials when a client asks their architect to design a house around their faucet, I am going to design this blog post around a ring! But before I do, let me share a little secret about myself and if I bore you, just scroll down to the photos okay? :-).
Ever since I was a child, I loved the color of tanzenite (periwinkle... blue violet). I didn't even know about this particular stone until I was a young adult, and I fell in love with it right away. There are varying shades of tanzenite ranging from light to dark. I personally love the lighter blue violet version. And I know why I am drawn to this color with a passion.
Two of my fondest childhood memories are chasing after two different flying insects during my relaxing and never ending summers (why does summer go by so fast now?). Both fast moving critters shared the color of light periwinkle, which was also my favorite color in my Crayola Crayon box and the Vinca that surrounded our home.
One insect I used to chase around was a small periwinkle blue butterfly.
Hmmm I don't think this is it with the shimmer, but "Oh My!" how beautiful
The other insect that kept me always on the lookout was a tiny, I mean teeny tiny, fluffy white flying insect. When in the right light, it seemed to change from white to periwinkle. I used to call them my fairies (it looks a little like a fairy doesn't it? C'mon... look at is through the eyes of a little girl).
I had no idea that this White Wooly Afid was hated by gardeners. Fairy right? |
Notice how in this photo it has a hint of periwinkle? Okay so maybe in this photo you would have to squint a little to see it, but trust me...
Once again, here is my inspiration piece.
This photo of a periwinkle car and periwinkle dresses was found on
Just enough periwinkle in this room, but not too much. Love the long periwinkle drapery panels and periwinkle pillows. Photo via:
This periwinkle room is magnificent. If the mirror was silver, it would be close to my goal of inspiration photos, but I still had to share. Photo via:
Taylor Swift in a beautiful periwinkle dress photo via
Guess Who? LOL
Many years ago I made this costume out of two thrift store prom dresses... added glitter to the feather fan... and voila a fun dress for an Era's of Elegance Masquerade ball I created for a non-profit group as their major fundraiser. Hey, if Taylor Swift can wear periwinkle, I can too!
Linda Smith Davis, owner of is an Allied ASID Interior Designer in Middleton MA, Westford MA, New England, owner of New England Fine Living, and Party Planner North of Boston. Classic New England Style or Glam Interior Design and parties have been most recently completed in Middleton, Carlisle, Andover, North Andover, Marblehead, Boston, Salem, Newburyport, Newbury, Ipswich, Westford, Boxford, Topsfield, and so many more surrounding towns!