Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A classic shingle style home in Massachusetts

This beautiful home, that overlooks the ocean in Massachusetts, is a classic New England style shingled home.  Over time, the shingles will weather giving the home a wonderful aged appearance.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Photo Via Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Located on Huntington Avenue - Boston Massachusetts, the Museum of Fine Arts ( mfa boston) is one of the world's most comprehensive art museum that entertains over 1 million visitors a year. 

Since it's doors opened to the public July 4th, 1876 (the nation's centennial), the Boston Museum of Fine Arts has shown nearly 450,000 works of art.  This wonderful museum of art offer modern art, contemporary art, fine art, and historical art by painters and artisans from all over the world.

Nestled among the art and design in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, four dining venues, including a wine bar, are available with seasonal menus and locally grown ingredients.  The New American Café was named one of the best museum restaurants in the US by Food & Wine in January 2014.

A few things to keep in mind....

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Can a party dress inspire a room or party table decor? Let's see!

Do you have a party dress in your closet that you just love the colors, the accents, the way it makes you feel?  Have you ever considered using the dress as inspiration for your decor or party table theme?  I have gone into my client's closets on numerous occasions and asked them to do just that!  I ask them to pull out clothing they love, ask them what they like about it, then sometimes we go from there!

Photo Via: Simply Stoked

Using Cobalt Blue For Decorating & Fashion

Growing up in an old 1680's - 1760's farmhouse in Massachusetts, I had the wonderful opportunity to enjoy many simple pleasures. Let's remember there was no internet, no cell phones, and playing outside for hours was not only normal but expected.  One of those childhood simple pleasures was exploring and digging in some of the old family dumping grounds that were hidden all over the property and uncovering many wonderful items.  Some of my favorite finds were cobalt blue bottles that I would then take home, wash, and display on my bedroom windowsill  (yes even as a little girl, decorating with accessories was very important to me :-) ).  I thought I would share a few photos of how cobalt blue can be used in decorating and fashion.