Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spring has arrived in New England

Spring has finally arrived in New England and I welcome it with open arms.  Our winter this year was not that harsh, and the snow storms were minimal, but I am ready for the warmth of the sun, walks around beautiful historic New England towns, and working out in our yard planning and planting new gardens.  

This photo is of a historic home in Concord, MA and I just had to take a snapshot of it during my walk.  It was so nice to see fresh flowers.

The daffodils in my yard finally opened after being covered by an unexpected snow storm.

The hyacinth enjoyed a quick spring shower followed by full sun.

During my walks, I love taking in my surroundings and on this warm spring day, the flowers popping everywhere was a welcoming site.

Just before a dinner date with my soon to be husband, we sat on the front porch of The Colonial Inn in Concord.  Two days after this 70+ degree day, is when the wacky snowstorm it and dropped 6 inches of snow.  Luckily that did not last long and "currently" we are back to normal.  That said, you never know what the weather will do here in New England.

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