Thursday, August 25, 2011

Calling all flirts...

Okay ladies... does it always have to be up to the guys to make the first move?

No way!  See a cute guy in the corner?

Grab yourself a Flirt Martini or a Flirtini (Recipes Below) and speak up!   Below are some pretty corny pick up lines, but come on.... it is a good ice breaker.

Can I sit with you so I won’t get hit on?

Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

See my friend over there? She likes you, but I am a little greedy...

Which one of you guys is buying me drinks tonight?

Pretend to lose something and get a cute guy to help you look for it.

Didn’t I see you in GQ?

Hey, did you see the game last night?

I am doing a survey on whether guys eat breath mints. Can I test your breath?

Hi, my name is (Blank). I got tired of waiting for you to walk over and talk to me so here I am.

Excuse me, but I DO think it's time we met.

Hey I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next boyfriend…

You know, I'm invisible. (Really?) Can you see me? (Yes) How about tomorrow night?

Kiss me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name (take a guess) ...???? - Wouldn't it be a shame if you got the name right?!

The Flirt Martini
Ingredients: Makes enough for two, so get flirting!

3 ounces Premium Vodka
1 ounce cranberry juice
1 ounce fresh squeezed orange juice
1 ounce Cointreau
1 ounce Champagne (your choice)
orange round

Bring all ingredients together in a shaker full of chipped ice. Serve in a chilled martini glass and garnish with an orange round.

Flirtini Martini Recipe


2 pieces fresh pineapples
1/2 oz orange liqueur
1/2 oz vodka
1 oz pineapple juice
3 oz Champagne

Directions: Add to a Martini Glass with ice, mix, stir and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vineyard Wedding & Party Theme

It isn't a secret amongst my friends that I love wine, and my recent trip to Napa and Sonoma increased my appreciation for the art of wine making and the ambiance the wineries have created to lure in tourists and hopeless romantics.  For such a simple concept, it becomes elegant as shown in the Wine Wedding Inspiration board above. 
Photo from christinamontemurrophotography.com
This picture hit a home run with me.  Last year, I created a whole page on wine cork crafts due to the fact that I have hundreds sitting in a large bowl in my home and I wanted to find some projects to do in my spare time (yeah I know right??? what is spare time?).   Very simple to create but once again, very elegant. 

Photo from vi.sualize.us
Here's another photo I need to add to my wine corks craft page, but I wanted to show you the bottle with the table number.  I found a web site link for you.  They make lables for wine bottles and water bottles, plus a whole lot more. 

To view more photos I have found for you on the web, please visit my vineyard - wine wedding theme page on New England Fine Living.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are you an alien????

For the fourth year, The Ipswich Rotary Club will be hosting their Masquerade Ball at the Turner Hill Mansion, a beautiful New England style home that has been turned into an elegant function facility.  This kinda feels like my little baby since I created the event,  the themes, volunteered on the committee, and had so much fun decorating.   It has taken off and grown so much.   I can't wait to see how people dress up!  And for those who don't like to wear costumes and masks, (Can I call them party poopers?)  it is black-tie optional (hopefully masks will still be worn).  

Monday, August 15, 2011

A relaxing rainy morning in New England

Photo By Linda Smith - New England Fine Living

This morning I woke to the sound of a soft rain falling outside my window and decided to make my coffee and sit on my front porch.  I used to do that all of the time, but over the past year, I have let precious alone time slip through my fingers and I am making a vow to allow myself some more "me time".   I am better at telling others that they should carve out time for themselves.  You know... "Do as I say, not as I do".    So right now, before I post a large assortment of wedding, party, and New England decor ideas, that I have already created on my web site New England Fine Living.com,  I am going to close my lap top "GASP!" and enjoy a few stolen moments of solitude.  

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunflower Themed Wedding and Party Styling Ideas

I have compiled a page full of sunflower themed party ideas and inspiration boards from some very creative blogs and web sites.  The one above happens to be from Brendas Wedding Blog. For the full collection of photos, click here to be transported to our web site.